Hotel Transformations.

You never really know how many aspects of life a baby is going to change until you have one. Of course there's sleeping. And eating. And grocery shopping. And sleeping. And cleaning. And talking on the phone. And, did I say sleeping? And then there's travelling. Who knew how much stuff it takes to travel with a baby. A little person shouldn't need very much stuff, right? WRONG! I wasn't a light packer to begin with, now I can't take a short trip for the weekend without filling every available space in the car with one thing or another.
Gotta have the pack n' play. What if I need my breast pump.. pack it. What if Mason needs his bouncy chair.. pack it. Might as well pack all the clothes he fits, he might have a really messy day. We would probably be good for a few weeks (or until he outgrows the clothes we packed), not just a weekend.
When we got to the hotel this past weekend and got everything set up and ready to settle in for the night, I realized how much different the room looks than it would if it were just Tyler and I.
The bathroom counter becomes a hangout, while Mommy puts her contacts in. Of course, not without a couple kushy pillows, we are on vacation right?
The luggage holder? Nope, a changing table. You have to get down on your knees to use it, but it is the perfect size.
Just a chair? Not anymore. It may not look all that different, but it now functions as a nursing station.It is crazy what all changes. The funny thing is, you don't really miss how it used to be. In fact, it almost seems like this is the way life has always been.


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