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- The girls have mastered rolling onto their tummy (but not back again) and are so angry they can't crawl.
- Mason loves to climb onto the counter. Redirecting constantly is getting old, any gentle suggestions?
- It has snowed, a lot.
- The girls go to bed around 6pm, didn't skip a beat with the time change. Crazy, eh?
- While I'm nursing the gals to sleep, Tyler puts Mason to bed. It is nice to finally have bedtime figured out.
- Tyler and I have been watching Lost. We are totally hooked and actually almost finished with the series! What will we do when it is over?
- Due to some eczema on Finnley's skin, I gave up gluten for a week. That was really tough, turns out I love gluten. Luckily that didn't make it go away, so we've switch laundry detergent.
- I've been wearing the girls for a few hours every day. It certainly makes them a lot happier. Tyler has even started joining in on the fun (and exercise).
- The girls are starting to show interest in the food we eat. A couple weeks and they will be 6 months old! Today Mason tried to feed them pizza.
- Tyler officially resigned his teaching position. He is on the hunt for a new career. So, if you see any good jobs by you, pass it on!
- Our house has only been shown three times. Hopefully when the weather gets nicer, people will get into the house buying mood!