An Interview With Mason at Age 3.5

What is your favorite color? Yellow.

What is your favorite TV show? Wild Kratts.

What do you want to be when you grow up? A tall boy.

What is your favorite food to eat? PBJ.

What food do you think is yucky? Seaweed.

What is your favorite song to sing? Jesus Loves Me.

What is your favorite game to play? Soccer ball.

If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be? A t-rex and a pig.

Are you going to be a dad some day? Uh huh.

How many babies are you going to have? Twenty.

What is your first baby's name going to be? Hadley.

What is your favorite sport? Fishing.


Barb said…
I love that he wants to be a tall boy. Not so excited about him wanting a T-Rex!

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