It Snowed

We got a decent amount of snow the last couple days. The wind blew it all over the place Sunday, so the restaurant was closed for the day which meant the kids had mom and dad home the whole day. I also got some cleaning and organizing done that I wouldn't have even thought about doing alone.
The temps were very cold today, so I kept the kids in. They are really itching to get out in the white fluff. There are a few drifts bigger than Mason out there, so I know they will be in awe when it does get warm enough to go out. Unfortunately we left the sleds out, so they are buried somewhere.
I just love how the snow sits on the trees and weighs them down. I didn't used to enjoy the snow, but since I don't really have many obligations to go (or hurry) anywhere, I am enjoying it. The big windows in our house help, too. It gets really bright in here when there is snow covering the ground. If it is going to be cold, it may as well be beautiful and cold.

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Did you get snow, too? Have you been out to play in it?


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