Twists and Turns

Remember when we moved about five and a half years ago and it was going to be the one big last move? Okay you might not because it was over five years ago.
One Last Time
I guess we take it back. We moved. Again. And it won't be the last time.
We spent a few year mulling over this decision and decided to go for it. For the last five years, Tyler has been running our restaurant. While he thoroughly enjoyed doing so, he just couldn't shake his longing to get back into coaching basketball at the college level.
Long story short, we are now officially Wisconsin residents living about ten hours from the house, farm, and family we were so lucky to have the last half decade. While we miss everyone and everything so much, spending your time focusing on what you're missing out on isn't productive. Instead we are having fun exploring our new area (it's beautiful!), seizing new opportunities, and meeting new friends. All the while keeping a few moving boxes tucked away in the basement for the next time.


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