Our Girls

Sorry to leave you all hanging, but I kinda just had twins and busy has taken on a whole new meaning. I ended up having an emergency c-section for very good reasons. So, between healing from that, exclusively breastfeeding the girls, trying to spend time with Mason, and trying to catch up on sleep I haven't had much free time!
I hope to get around to posting a birth story with all the details and have taken plenty of pictures to share. Finnley and Elliot are pretty easy going babies compared to Mason, but there are two of them. Even though they are identical, they have their differences.
Finnley poops a lot and HATES diaper changes. She likes to be held upright, prefers to not have her arms swaddled, and doesn't enjoy pacifiers at this time.
Elliot likes to lay horizontally. She is the smaller of the two, enjoys being swaddled, likes pacifiers, and prefers not to be set down.
I haven't had any issues with mixing the two up, but if you don't see them all day long it can be hard to see the differences. It will be interesting to see if they start to look more alike as they start to chub up.

Finnley & Elliot

Finnley, Elliot, and Dad before he even had night time duty.

Mason and Elliot surfing the internet.

Mason holding Finnley in the hospital.




Adrienne said…
Okay, okay, I get it that you're busy, but I'm so eager to hear about everything!!! I wish you the best as you all get adjusted and will eagerly check back for updates. They're adorable and I'm so happy for you!
Skye said…
WOw how precious!! Congrats to your family again! I bet you are a busy girl! LOL I always wondered how moms don't mess up the identidies of their twins LOL - but I guess you just know which one is which like you said. My nephews are twins and they are 11, I can't tell them apart still and never know who is who until someone else says one of their names first LOL

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