Miscellany Monday.

1. My sister came for a visit at the end of last week.  Mason was all cheerful around her and generously gave wrinkly-nosed smiles to his aunt.  For supper one night, we had waffles.
Mine looked like this.  Filled with blueberries.

Mason's looked like this.  Filled with mulberries... yeah, mulberries, try it!

And, Lindy's looked like this.  10 points to anyone who can guess what the heck is on it.

2. It may be hard to see, but Mason got his first major owie on Friday.  We were outside, Tyler was grooming our canines, Mason was sitting on the blanket, and I had just turned to weed my extremely neglected garden.  Well, the dogs took off, Mason was right in their path.  He cried hard.  I felt bad.  Tyler felt bad.  Enough said.

3. Our living room if there was no Mason (I was vacuuming).

What it really looks like.

4. I'm out of things to say.  A little pathetic, but the truth.  So, I'll leave you with a spaghetti picture.

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters


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